Merging PDF files with Python´s pypdf

This tiny Python program merges multiple PDF files within a directory into a single PDF file to make life easier.


 by  tuedodev

Oct 2023

If you are travel and want to print something on paper in the copyshop, you can put your PDF files on a USB memory stick and print from it in the store.

If you have only a few documents, this is usually not a problem, but if you have a lot of them you might want to have everything in a single PDF document. Then it's quite simply enough to open this document and print it out only once.

Github Repository of the Python Code

All said and done, what´s the point of being a programmer? With Python and the very helpful PDF library pypdf you can write a quick and dirty application. With pypdf you can not only create PDF documents, but also merge already existing PDF documents.

The following Python program creates a list of all existing PDF files in a folder and creates a new single PDF with all connected documents in a sub-directory.

from os import mkdir
from os.path import join
from pathlib import Path
from pypdf import PdfMerger

path = './test'
pdf_merger_path = Path(join(path, 'merged'))
filename = 'Merged_PDF_File.pdf'

    filelist = sorted([ for f in Path(path).iterdir() if f.is_file() and f.suffix.lower() == '.pdf'])
    if len(filelist) > 0:
        if filename[-4:] == '.pdf':
            pdf_merger = PdfMerger()
            for count, value in enumerate(filelist):
                pdf_merger.append(join(path, value))
                print(f"{count + 1}. {value} merged.")
            if not pdf_merger_path.is_dir():
            pdf_merger.write(join(pdf_merger_path, filename))
            print(f"==> Merged {count + 1} PDF file{'' if count == 0 else 's'}: {filename} created inside {pdf_merger_path} directory.")
            print(f"Incorrect filename {filename} for PDF files.")
        print(f"No PDF files(s) found in the {path} directory.")
except FileNotFoundError:
    print (f"Directory {path} not found.")

The small program can be easily customized to your own needs, for example, automatically adding a watermark or the number of pages.

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